Friday, January 8, 2010

Dear Friend

Dear friend, 
You may not know me well yet, or maybe you've known me forever, but either way I think it's about time I say thank you.
Thank you for the way you always look me in the eyes, even before I know who you are.
For the smiles you send my direction and the intentional way you call me by name as soon as you know it.
Thanks for the genuine excitement you have whenever you see me.
The dinner discussions, the coffee dates, and the midnight chats make me smile with content every time.
Your eye rolls in class make me laugh and so do the many times you voice exactly what I'm thinking. 
Traveling together, learning together, serving together, makes my life great.
Just so you know, I'm grateful that you hug me even though I squirm. That in spite of my complaints you push me to be better. The times you criticize me make a difference.
Thank you for giving me the benefit of the doubt. For sticking by me on the bad days, not merely the good ones. 
Thanks for the inside jokes, the insightful comments, the secret sharing.
I love the fact that you humor me, listening one too many times to the same story, being patient when I need to rant or talk something through. 
You daily teach me loyalty, accountability, and community.
I am so glad that you are here. 
That you invite me out. Invite me in. 
You might not always feel like that great of a friend. Like what you do or who you are matters.
But it does.
I've noticed. And so,
Thank you!
Yours truly,

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