Sunday, January 23, 2011

If I Had it My Way...

~ Summer would be longer than the other seasons and winter would, of course, be the shortest
~ Books would always be free
~ Walking would be the required mode of transportation
~ Everyone would watch Chuck on TV
~ There would be no commercials on radio stations (so I wouldn't have to constantly flip between channels)
~ Oxford would be closer to home and I would have a tunnel to the Bodleian Library in my basement
~ Reese's Peanut Butter Cups wouldn't be bad for you
~ Exercising would always be fun and I would be able to swim, ski, skate, and surf whenever I wanted
~ Traveling would be like in the movies, where two minutes on the airplane would be enough to get you safely to your destination
~ I'd never forget my childhood
~ People would never have jobs that were purposeless, unless they loved them
~ There would be a Jamba Juice two minutes from me at all times
~ Schooling wouldn't cost so much
~ Learning a different language wouldn't be difficult and Google Translate would be more accurate
~ Coffee would taste better or no one would drink it
~ People would talk more face to face and less through technology
~ I would hear at least one funny quote from a child every day
~ People would wake up to a crowd standing in the room encouraging them, clapping for them and singing sunshiny songs to them every morning
~ Night would not come so quickly and you wouldn't be tired if you went to bed late
~ People would actually follow their dreams instead of just talk about following them
~ You would give gifts on your birthday and get them on everyone else's (like in the Shire)
~ Your tongue would turn the color of the food you were eating all the time, not only when you ate candy
~ Asking good questions would be less of a rare occurrence and really listening to the answers would be automatic
~ I would have gotten the musical gene so that I could actually play guitar by now
~ Going to laughing clubs would be a weekly requirement of life
~ People would think outside the box more or maybe the box would just be bigger
~ And I'd always have ideas for what to write on my blog

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